Monday, March 27, 2006

I had a great day

yesterday - and I don't feel that old (hehe). Got some nice smellies from the girls and didn't lift a finger - Craig was like my personal servant...nice too! Even if it was for one day.
I've just got back from another appt for Molly with the continence nurse - we're entitled to free nappies seeing as Molly is over four - but hang, they are butt UGLY! Must take a picture later and post them - T'Keyah has taken the morning off, and she was cracking up at them...but I'm thinking they will be only for nights anyway...I think the lady is sending out some pullups for day. Get this, they provide 3 nappies + 1 for night, and they courier them to us every three months...thats like over 300 nappies every three months!! Holy schmoly, I'm hoping the next place has some kickass storage LOL - and yup, we'll be moving again in about 5-6 weeks. The lease ends here and the landlords need to move in, and besides, I HATE driving over the hill 3-4 times a day, it kills my gas!
Well T'K is going to school at lunch time, and Molly is going to Kindy - which means I'm having an afternoon all to MYSELF!! Yay - might scrap some!

1 comment:

Lara said...

hope you get a place sorted soon (though there are a few weeks up your sleve). We were very releived to be able to renew our lease for another year (small house but I so can't be bothered shifting again). Pleased everyone at your house is on the mend - I've had two children asleep for the last 3 hours - coming down with the flu so I'm not looking forward to this weekend.