Saturday, March 11, 2006

Saturday, and it's sunny!!

And warm even! Though, I can see some slightly dark clouds rolling in - shoo, I've got washing out!!
I have been admiring Keisha's altered coasters for ages, they are simply gorgeous - so I tried my hand, seeing as the coasters we have are pretty darn ugly & never get used, unless you class Molly using them like frisbee's, use!! So yesterday morning, I tried, and I'm pretty happy with the results! Cool, fast and good way of using up little photos too. I'm off for a crop tomorrow afternoon - really looking forward to it, even though I was just at one last weekend LOL! It's been a long week, and as much as I'm proud of Molly with her counting one-ten and back again - it does get old! Let's see how her Dad deals with it - though, knowing him, he'll take her out to his Mother's, so Molly can "spend time" with Nana & Grandad (in other words, so he doesn't have to be a fulltime Dad)
Must remember to text T'Keyah and see how her weekends going...feels weird knowing she's so far away! Hope she's having a blast though - and hasn't blown her spending money already!


Ali said...

Love those coasters Dallas - so cute. AND THOSE PRIMA FLOWERS you lucky bugger!!

Anonymous said...

How fabulous....I am jealous of all your primas toooooo!!