Friday, March 17, 2006

Why 12 year olds versions differ

from coaches! T'Keyah came home from NZ champs on Monday, I asked her how they got on, answer - not good...that was it. Okay, so thats cool, they did their best and there are a heck of a lot of teams at the champs. She had a great time and that's what mattered. Then, the coach calls on Tuesday - general chit-chat, they had a great time, she was well behaved (just as well!) and she then tells me just how well they actually did! They qualifed for the plate march (i'm still lost with some of this) for both technical and display (great on it's own!!) The team was placed 13th on qualifying and 14th on the sunday for technical in a very tough and close competition. In display the girls came 4th - and were 4 points of being 3rd!! And one of the judges has the Under 16 display (T'Keyahs team) ranked higher than the team that eventually won!! So next year, the team should be on fire!!
She's got a display at the Go Otago celebrations in Dunedin on Sunday - so I hope to get some good shots of her all decked up in her uniform.
Molly is doing well, hanging out with a wee girl at kindy, and having a great time. I think that people are amazed at how well she's doing - and that's great!!
Scrapping is going well too.....I do get so annoyed when I can do a page and really get into it, be really stoked with the results and finish it - get out more photos (thinking I'm onto a good thing) and nothing works!! Drives me crazy!
I think that I'll pop into town shortly, my cutter blades are leaving those horrid fluffy edges - time to replace!! And then, off to coffee group, but today Molly is staying home with her dad - how nice it's going to be actually not having to worry what she's getting into!!


Donna said...

Love your layout. What gorgeous papers. Everything about it is great!

Delys said...

I love it too Dallas!
Well done to T'keyah...that was nice of her coach to ring and tell you that. What tough competition by the sounds of it.

Lara said...

It's amazing how children can play down their achievements & some shout it from the roof tops!
Great layout. Popping into Dunners on Saturday - some letters I want from SP & maybe some other bits - hopefully have time to check out Paper Worx too.