Saturday, April 14, 2007

What happens on a grotty Saturday afternoon???

Yup, another change the links thing - here's hoping I like wordpress huh!!

Friday, April 13, 2007

It's now 6.37am

and I've been up for an hour - what would possess me to do this??? The blinken weather - Dunedin has been smacked with winter (again) and we've got gale force strong that it's actually woken me twice during the night. I'm half-pie expecting our roof to go whipping off down the hill - it's just nasty!! On the brighter side, I'm getting tired, so might head back to bed for an hour before the girlie gets up!
Quick update on Miss M - I phoned the GP that requested the bloods, to finally tell her we'd got them done & that she'd had the MRI...She said nothing about the metal levels in her blood, which I was expecting, but rather that Molly's thyroid function was low....5.1 - I have no idea of the norm, and I don't know anymore information than this, as she didn't reply to my email (and my barrage of questions, LOL) and she's now in the states until the 24th - on the bright side of that though, she's taken all Molly's notes to discuss her case with the big shots in America! We might start getting some GOOD answers! Must remember to call her paediatrician and find out the results of the MRI.
T'Keyah is in Christchurch - I last saw her on the 4th of April when I dropped her at Mums - they are both up there for two weekends of dog shows - and it's's certainly quiet without her, and I do miss her, but I don't - LMAO. It's going to make a far nice school holidays with less arguing between her and Molly!