Wednesday, November 23, 2005

the other layout...

I did manage to do two layouts on Monday, but because I was on the final day of the EarlyBird course, I didn't manage to upload it...
I had loads of fun with the sewing machine, and the reason I haven't used the machine on a layout is because I had no clue where the power cord was!
Right, have to fly, have an appointment at the hospital at 10am - thank goodness the woman from reception rang yesterday, because I had no clue we even had an appointment!!

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Shell's blog challenge Nov 21st-27th

Name 5 things you would do if you had a magic wand and explain why.

1. Have an endless bank balance, one of those ones that no matter how much I take out, the balance remains the same.
2. Win huge(!) in lotto - see #1.
3. Buy our own house, because I'm so tired of looking at grotty rentals and shifting house
4. Solve the worlds problems (wouldn't that be nice!)
5. shift the weight that I seem to carry everywhere (and I don't mean Molly :o) )

Monday, November 21, 2005

Could it be, possibly, I think it could be....yup, a layout!! After goodness knows how long since I actually sat and completed a page, today was the day. Possibly helped by the fact that it's a) raining like no-ones business b) both girls are home for the day with a revolting cold - whatever it is, I hope it decides to stick around, because I don't mind being able to achieve some results!!

Like I said, both girls are at home with a cold...I woke up far too many times last night, hearing one of them cough...poor Molly was the worst last night. And worst even today, she missed out on Kindy Photos!! I'm really sad, was really looking forward to her photo with kindy - never mind, Trish said they'd try and get a nice shot of her for us, and I'll still by the group photo for her. Right, I'm off to tidy the kitchen, T'Keyah just trashed it a beaut! and then I might even try another layout! ooohh, two in one day!

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Well, we made the move - big changes too....Molly gave the cot up (finally) and is really settled and loving her big bed! Sad thing is though, the duvet hasn't shown up yet - was posted back on the 9th - I've still got my fingers crossed though (lets hope it's just slow postal service!!)
That bird is driving me bonkers! Charlie seems to be a lot more vocal since we've moved - and now that he's hanging from the roof, he thinks it's entertaining to chuck seeds at you while you're on the computer! The picture is of Charlie - it's an old one though, he's now sporting a bright yellow head! Apparently a sign of maturity - yeah right! Think someone needs to tell Charlie that!
I should really go and unload some more boxes, but I'm so sick of it!! Think I'll concentrate on my scrapping area, yes area - I don't have a room (boo-hoo) so I've got to think carefully and make it look boring and uninteresting to keep Molly away! Speaking of Molly, she's sitting watching the Holey Doleys (insane little men really) and is copying them being a washing machine! Very cute! Molly, not the creepy men!
and to catch up completely here is Challenge #3

I ask each of you to choose a letter of the alphabet and answer each of the following with a word/group of words that begins with the letter you've chosen... ie say I chose the letter "M"... a color would be MAGENTA, a song would be MONY MONY by Billy Idol and so on Get it? Right here they are:-
1. Name one color. Pink
2. Name one song. Please release me!
3. Name one movie. Pretty Woman
4. Name one vehicle. Peugeot
5. Name one food. Pineapple
6. Name one household item. Piano
7. Name one book. Princess' Diaries
8. Name one scrapbook related tool Paper Cutter
9. Name one animal Pony
10. Name one country/place Palmerston
slipping on the blog challenges from kiwiscraps! Here's challenge #2

10 CD’s/songs that you just have to have if you got stranded on a desert island

1. Robbie Williams - live at knebworth
2. Counting Crows
3. Boney M
4. James Blunt
6. Aqua (gotta have something a little lively)
7. Gun's & Rose's
8. Time to say goodbye (incredibly sad song, but beautiful)
9. Gwen Steffani
10 Enya

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Crumbs...we move on Saturday and have about 6 boxes packed!
Oh bums, I've just won an auction on TradeMe...(see left) prolly shouldn't have kept on bidding, but since an awesome friend does the best pictures, and she has the exact same material, I had to have it! Molly's new room will look totally cute, all co-ordinating! Will post some pictures when it's all together.
Might even switch the girls beds, - or not, T'Keyah would probably rip my head off....but then again, if I can do a deal and get her a pink headboard....hmmm, there could be a deal in there somewhere!
Oh yeah, T'Keyah is obessed with pink, baby pink to be specific - and to tell the honest truth, I'm pretty partial to baby pink myself! Would love the girls to have rooms that they love being in (means I might see less of them hehehe) I only signed on to win the auction, and I'm still here - sheesh, and the boxes aren't packing themselves (unfortunately!).
I had my second session with the EarlyBird programme yesterday - still great, and I'm delighted in the progress Molly is making, she said UP at kindy the other day, she seems to be listening much more, and following on with instructions. Some of the things we're learning over the next few sessions are based around the ABA programme, so I'm really interested in that!

I'm going to try and be more diligent about posting here - I find when I do write things down, I feel a little calmer in daily life (especially at evening time, I get so short with the girls) and Kiwiscraps have posted a blog challenge, which I think I'll follow, so here goes with challenge number one!!

1. Name one productive thing you accomplished this past weekend.
Ha, that would be producing some layouts at an all day crop!!
2. Name two things that you look forward to doing.
Shopping without children
soaking in a huge bubble bath
3. Name three things that gross you out.
Beetles (huge black ones)
4. Name four things that you normally do on a daily basis.
Change nappies
Surf the internet
kiss my girls (though the bigger one is starting to avoid them!)
5. Name five things that you own that you think you could get rid of and not miss.
the kids (JOKING!)
at least two pairs of shoes (that I have NEVER worn)
Iron board
Pizza stone (far far easier to dial out!)