Saturday, January 13, 2007

A glimpse of summer

Yes! We have blue sky and sunshine today, wonder how long it'll last! It was a quiet week with T'K gone - though that was shattered when she came home a day early! Though it gave us the chance to go try on her new uniform (which comes to a grand total of $525!!) Skirt, two short sleeved blouses, socks, vest and blazer - I do admit though, it looks super smart on. Then she asks to go see about shoes - sketchers no less at $100!! - oooh, though you do get a free drink bottle (must be gold plated!). If only I had that kinda money to spend on scrap supplies LOL!!
Well, my little machine is working hard out - mind you, I'm actually kind of surprised that there isn't more washing, not that I'm complaining mind!!
Still waiting for my DT stuff - think I've missed the boat on deadlines this time round - unfortunately they had my wrong address, so bums!!
Monday is the day I'm calling the lab - I need to get Molly's blood drawn - I'm really really really dreading it - she's such a strong, stubborn little mite - even when she was sick with pneumonia in September, it took four of us to hold her down!! What's she going to be like well??
But, tomorrow is my day - from 10-4pm I'm down at paperworx scrapping my heart out (well more like chatting, and doing a little scrapping!! LOL). Yay - can't wait - a day off from Molly barking orders at me LOL. T'K is spending the weekend with my mum, she was busting to see the puppies. We're heading out once I've hung a load of washing out - Boodles needs a bath!


Anonymous said...

flipping heck that uniform is not cheap. Wow!!! Sounds like you have a great day planned for Sunday....stnky about not getting your design team kit.....

Hannah said...

Sounds like I should start saving for my boys' school uniforms now! WOWSER!

Have a great day scrapping tomorrow ... 6 hours of bliss!

Anonymous said...

Wow, that uniform was not cheap! I forgot how much stuff like that cost!

Hope the scrapping was fun.