Wednesday, November 16, 2005

and to catch up completely here is Challenge #3

I ask each of you to choose a letter of the alphabet and answer each of the following with a word/group of words that begins with the letter you've chosen... ie say I chose the letter "M"... a color would be MAGENTA, a song would be MONY MONY by Billy Idol and so on Get it? Right here they are:-
1. Name one color. Pink
2. Name one song. Please release me!
3. Name one movie. Pretty Woman
4. Name one vehicle. Peugeot
5. Name one food. Pineapple
6. Name one household item. Piano
7. Name one book. Princess' Diaries
8. Name one scrapbook related tool Paper Cutter
9. Name one animal Pony
10. Name one country/place Palmerston

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