Friday, December 29, 2006

We have babies...

the furry kind, and they are so cute!!
This is baby girl #3 or Honey as she's been nicknamed - why honey? Well her mother got a little over-caring with the cord and tore it close to the skin, so I had to apply pressure to stop the bleeding and we put a little honey on it (magical healing properties in honey!) hehe, unfortunately though, after all the pups were born and put back in with Jessie, she discovered this pup with honey on her tum, and licked it off causing more bleeding! But all is good now, mother and six babes sleeping peacefully - we had two boys and 4 girls! First boy was born this morning at 4.30am, and the last boy at 10.00am this morning! So yes, my eyes are about hanging out and I'm probably going to get grumpy later on, but heck, baby pups are so worth it!!

Also mangaged to do another 12 days layout - so just one to go - which will be done tomorrow - last nights isn't flash, but I was tired, had no computer and really struggled to get "into it"!! (I really hate when that happens)

Oh and my pooch has re-joined the family after his bout of what we suspect was food poisoning - cat food. Cat ate maybe 1/4 and left it (must have tasted off, cos she likes he food!), dog walks past and thinks he's in heaven - scoffs the rest - cat was sick twice and seemed ok (don't know about her other end tho') but poor dog has been pooping liquid since Christmas Eve! He came right yesterday, and I bathed him as soon as I got home, he's loving being back with the family - poor bugger!


Anonymous said...

congrats Jessie on the birth of your babies.....sounds like she likes honey too. Well done on getting 11 layouts done!! Your on the home run now Dallas!!

Aww at your family pooch and cat feeling icky!! Glad to hear they are feeling better.

Angela said...

Ooooh, that is so cute. Isn't it special to see babies born, we watched our kittens born, what an experience.

Love that page of the tree, very simple and effective. Come on, one more page.

Mines not quite there, but working on it at the moment.