Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Winter is back...

and we're expecting snow this morning, I was kinda hoping it'd come during the night, and we'd get a 10am start...no such luck though. Thankfully, our fire is roaring and I'm enjoying sitting here listening to it crack every so often, and nothing else - oh lies - the dog is at my feet, snoring - and I can hear the washing machine spinning. But that is it, no TV, no kids, no nothing - BLISS. I actually had some time on Saturday to myself too...Molly woke at around 5am and came into bed with us, and me remembering what it was like last time this happened (think little feet on your back, pushing you out of bed!), got up and came out to the lounge and dozed on the couch (in between watching some animal programme). So when everyone else eventually got up at 8.30am, I felt like crap - so Craig dressed the girl and took her to work....so I did what any chick would do, I cranked up the fire, snuggled under a duvet and watched a movie!! It was so cool, to be able to sit under a duvet without Molly trying to clamber in the foot end was bliss, and to be able to watch a movie during the DAY was unthinkable. I felt great by the time I went to get her at 2pmish (but I went to spotlight before I got her!).
I'm in a funk - I don't feel like scrapping, well I do, but just can't do anything, I can't be bothered blogging, nor surfing the net - big bad funk! Need to snap out of it I think!!

1 comment:

~Zeetra~ said...

I hate being in a funk. Even the shops dont inspire you. I hope it passes soon. But It must have been nice to enjoy the movie with out a child bugging you.